Forage of the Month- November/December

Forage of the Month- November/December

Rosehip Vinegar This is a favourite, super-easy recipe. It comes from ‘Hedgerow Medicine’ by friends Julie and Matthew Bruton-Seal. You can easily find loads of recipes for rose hip syrup… but if you want to preserve their goodness without using...
Forage of the Month – September

Forage of the Month – September

Fruit Leather Fruit leather is a really popular snack and easy to carry around with you. It’s basically thin, pliable sheets of dehydrated fruit puree with a flexible consistency (like leather). But don’t buy it in the shops because it’s incredibly...
Forage of the Month – July / August

Forage of the Month – July / August

Pendulous Sedge Crackers. These taste delicious and are easy to make. I experimentd to create a savoury and a sweet version, and my recipes are inspired by Mo Wilde and Pascal Bauder. Pendulous sedge (Carex pendula), also known as weeping sedge, is native to the UK...
Forage of the Month -October

Forage of the Month -October

Beech Nuts Beech trees are beautiful for so many reasons! Where I grew up, near the Chilterns in South Oxfordshire, we roamed in beech woods during bluebell season, and in the autumn when their fallen leaves glow copper. For other creatures and plants, beech woodland...