by Ruby Taylor | Mar 3, 2025 | All Journal Entries, Wild Basketry, Wild Pottery
Most makers have issues, sooner or later, of pain in their hands. Maybe also in their wrists, forearms and shoulders. Repetitive use, habitual patterns of movement and tension all contribute to this. Here are 6 simple stretches to help you stay supple and free of...
by Ruby Taylor | Jun 15, 2024 | All Journal Entries, Forage of the Month
Elderflower Cake The fragrant, frothy elder flowers are out now, a lovely sign of summer. Elderflower cordial recipes abound, so here’s a favourite recipe of mine for elderflower cake. I’ve created a vegan version for this recipe too, which you’ll...
by Ruby Taylor | Dec 5, 2023 | All Journal Entries, Courses, Foraging, Wild Pottery
What is Clay?Ask this of anyone and they’ll most likely reply ‘mud’. And that’s true… but there’s also more to it than that. It’s made up of one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. Clay minerals are formed over long...
by Ruby Taylor | Aug 2, 2023 | All Journal Entries, Mindfulness & Re-Wilding, Stonehenge / Heritage, Wild Basketry
One winter, the East Sussex Archaeology and Museums Partnership team, led by Christabel Shelley and Ian Dunford, constructed a beautiful dwelling, influenced by archaeological findings at Deer Park Farms in County Antrim, Ireland, an early rath (ringfort or settlement...
by Ruby Taylor | Jun 11, 2023 | All Journal Entries, Wakehurst 2023, Wild Basketry
Walking through Pearcelands Wood at Wakehurst Kew, on a quiet, mid-winter day; woods I know well from making a sculpture here a few years ago. As I walk, an open awareness of the trees, plants, creatures; the light and the weather… open to what might present itself as...
by Ruby Taylor | Jan 7, 2023 | All Journal Entries, Courses, Foraging, Mindfulness & Re-Wilding, Wild Basketry
A photgraphic essay. Weaving bramble baskets in the woods, I’m joined by photographer Bethany Hobbs. These are her words and images, her story of our day. The humble bramble, the scratcher, the snarer, the snagger of jumpers, the bearer of tongue-staining fruit,...