by Ruby Taylor | Mar 3, 2025 | All Journal Entries, Wild Basketry, Wild Pottery
Most makers have issues, sooner or later, of pain in their hands. Maybe also in their wrists, forearms and shoulders. Repetitive use, habitual patterns of movement and tension all contribute to this. Here are 6 simple stretches to help you stay supple and free of...
by Ruby Taylor | Dec 5, 2023 | All Journal Entries, Courses, Foraging, Wild Pottery
What is Clay?Ask this of anyone and they’ll most likely reply ‘mud’. And that’s true… but there’s also more to it than that. It’s made up of one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. Clay minerals are formed over long...
by Ruby Taylor | Jun 16, 2021 | All Journal Entries, Wild Basketry, Wild Pottery
I talk with the founder of Plants & Colour, Flora Arbuthnott, about how I approach working with wild gathered materials in my creative practice. Intimacy with the landscape, the living world, plants, earth, other creatures, has always been meaningful to me as a...
by Ruby Taylor | Mar 12, 2021 | All Journal Entries, Wild Basketry, Wild Pottery
I talk with Kim Winter, editor at the Basketmakers Association, about my practice. KW: How did you get into making baskets with foraged materials? The training I had at degree level (3D Craft, Brighton Uni) was formative, being materials led. I remember in the first...
by Ruby Taylor | May 2, 2020 | All Journal Entries, Courses, Foraging, Wild Pottery
Lots of us haven’t made anything from clay since primary school, and it even then it was most likely commercially produced clay, which is bland in comparison to stuff you dig yourself. Perhaps that was also the last time many of us got truly stuck into squishing...