Booking Information
Terms & Conditions / Cancellation Policy
Your place on a Native Hands event is secured by booking and paying in advance, in full.
If you cancel your booking (or fail to attend) for any reason, including illness, travel disruption, or any other reasons beyond your control, the following conditions apply:
More than 28 days before the event an 85% refund.
Less than 28 days before the event no refund. However, if you want to pass your place on to a friend, that’s possible if you supply their name and contact details no less than 48 hours before the event.
Bookings are not transferable from one event to another.
In the unlikely event of Native Hands cancelling the event, you’ll be offered a credit for a future course or a full refund.
Gift vouchers: once you’ve received booking confirmation for your chosen event, you’re considered fully booked onto that event. The same T&Cs / cancellation policy apply to vouchers as to other bookings (see above). If the cost of the event you wish to attend is less than the value of your voucher, no refund or credit will be possible. Gift vouchers are valid for one calendar year from purchase date.
Age suitability: Native Hands events are designed for adults, unless otherwise stated (as in the case of Family Wild Pottery, which is for age 7 and up). However, 16-18 year olds are welcome on all events if accompanied by a responsible, participating adult. Please get in touch before booking if you have any queries regarding age suitability.
Accessibility: most Native Hands events take place in the woods and involve foraging and physical activity. Therefore a certain level of physical ability is required. We aim to make events accessible whenever possible, within the context and limitations of a woodland setting. Making baskets is a physical process and reasonable hand strength is required.
If you have mobility issues or other physical needs please get in touch prior to booking, so we can see how your needs can be accommodated.
Dogs are not permitted at any Native Hands event.
Alcohol: please do not bring alcohol (or any other intoxicant) with you to any Native Hands event.
Other questions? please see the FAQ page.
Native Hands reserves the right to decline any booking.